Are you sick of me writing about this machine yet? I promise, this will be it for now (until something breaks and I get totally frustrated with her). I must admit, I am lovin' this machine. The speed, oh the SPEED. I have to watch myself because she gets out of control very easily. I'm still learning to drive her safely, but when there's a long straight seam, I let her rip, full throttle!!
I guess you could say that we've worked out the kinks. Turns out that my main problem was user error. I had the needle in backwards. Oops. Now that we've gotten that figured out, we're good to go. Wahoo, bring on the projects!!
This weekend, I practiced my "driving" on some new bibs for Ava. Nothing exciting, but a good little project to help me get the feel of this machine. I did this before I sewed up the "Cathy Bag". There are some wonky seams where I lost control, but it's only a bib for my own personal use, so I can live with it (I'm sure Ava won't mind).
Next up is some blankets for the Made For China project, headed up by Carol. If you're in the mood to do some charity sewing/crafting, I suggest you check it out (there's a button on my sidebar). Carol is collecting handmade items to send with her sister to pass out at orphanages in China on her upcoming visit. I'm pretty sure Carol could still use some help. I've signed up to make some blankets and barrettes. With Richelle, I should be able to whip those blankets out in no time!!!
Beki & Richelle, BFF!!