I must admit, this is not my favorite time of year. It's just too darned hot. And humid. So hot that the heat smacks you in the face as soon as you open the door at 6:30 am. So what do I decide to do in all this heat? Work in my yard.
We're lucky in that in March, April, and May we get to enjoy great spring weather with beautiful blooming flowers. By the time July rolls around everything is overgrown, spindly, and just plain fried. Look at that crape myrtle. It has grown so much that the branches were touching the grass. You couldn't even see the flower beds underneath.
So, I gave it a pruning. This isn't the time of year to cut back crape myrtles, but this one needed it. I was afraid that Matt would get decapitated by those low limbs while cutting the grass. The only problem now is that I can see all the weeds in my flower bed.
Isn't the trunk beautiful? I love the look of the peeling bark.
With everything in such a sorry state I decided to buy a few heat loving plants to spruce things up. Again with the potato vine. Did I not learn anything last year?
Look at this crazy lantana. It definitely loves the heat. This baby is thriving in it.
And of course I couldn't end this post without showing my sunflower. I planted a whole slew of them (3-4 packs) but only had a few make it this far. I blamed Matt for cutting them down with the weed eater, but later learned that Phoebe had been eating them. Crazy dog.