It nearly killed me, but my first collection is done! You can check it all out here. Though this was the largest update I've ever done, there is still more to come. I have another bag design that I want to make at some point in the near future, and there are a few bags that I didn't get finished in time. It was so much fun working within the parameters of vintage linens & dots that I'm pretty sure that I'll stick with that combo for a while.
Many of you have asked about the patterns for these bags. I'd like to make the patterns available, but that may be a little while. I'm a one woman shop, so making a pattern takes a while. The most time consuming part of the process is making all the line drawings and writing the directions. Spring is a super busy time of year for my family, so I won't have the time to devote to pattern writing any time soon. I hope that once summer rolls around I can spend some time getting the patterns ready. Who knows, I may get to it sooner, but I don't want to promise anything right now. Until then, you can expect more bags from me as I work out the kinks.
Now that this update is done, I've got curtains to make - more on that later...