*the kids' camp under the stairs...rainy days have made for some creative play indoors
Have you ever been so full of ideas and so inspired that you don't know what to do with yourself? That's where I am right now. I've been feeling that way for months now. I think a lot of it has to do with finally realizing and *accepting* that I'm a creative person. I know, I know, you're probably sitting there reading this saying "duh!". But it's true. I had an idea in my mind of what I thought a creative person was, and I didn't perceive myself as that. Silly, I know.
*concrete slab waiting for some paint...and the walls, too
As I'm coming to terms with my new view of myself, I'm overflowing with ideas. It's quite disturbing because I can't seem to concentrate on one thing. Take today for example - this morning I went to the farmers market, which also happened to be the arts market (it only takes place the first saturday of the month). I came across a piece of artwork that I can't get out of my mind. Never mind that I have 3 slow stitching projects in the works, I want to start on this new idea inspired by the artwork right this instant! I also want to start the quilt I planned for Alex a year ago because this week Matt ripped the carpet out of his room and we're painting everything including the concrete slab. It's a total room re-do.
*what's left of the veggies i bought this morning at the farmers market - we ate stuffed peppers, baked eggplant, and tomatoes & cucumbers for supper - YUM
While I was at the arts market I got the chance to see Sara's fabrics in person. Oh boy, talk about gorgeous! I can't wait to get my hands on some yardage because I'd love to make a bag from it. Yes, no matter what hobby I venture off to, I always return to bags :)
*Alex's quilt parts...i wish i could remember what i had planned for this
Should I tell you that on a whim I signed up for the Dottie Angel workshop in Seattle in September? Yep. I just did it. Lucky me gets to spend a weekend with Chris & Jade and the infamous Tif of Dottie Angel. Did you know Tif and I were in the same issue of Artful Blogging a few (or 8) months ago?
*i finally got a remote for my camera...still figuring it out
Anyway...hi, I'm Beki, and creating is my Passion. I am vowing right here and now to NOT be embarrassed or ashamed of the things or quantity of things that I make. No, I am NOT the norm, and that's quite alright!!
Whew, it feels good to get that off my chest!!