The last time we spoke about knitting, um 6 weeks ago (how did that happen?) I left you with my current knitting project - the razor cami. Knitting the body was super fun, so fun that I didn’t want it to end. So when the body got long enough, I just sorta stopped. A couple of weekends ago (okay, a month) I decided to finish it. I tried 3 different strap/top options, none of which really worked. Damn. I knew what I had to do - frog it.
As much fun as it was to knit, I wasn’t feeling it as wearable. Really, I don’t wear camis, why did I think I’d wear a knitted version? It felt too exposed. I need more coverage.
After a little searching, I came upon Date Night. It had a fun lace pattern (I’m really into lace right now - so fun!), a bit of a sleeve, and it would work with my frogged razor cami yarn - win!!
So here I am, all hot and heavy into Date Night (that sounds wrong, doesn’t it?). Well, "hot and heavy" is a relative term, more like when I'm not too exhausted to work on it. These kids of mine are wearing. me. out. Thank goodness school starts next week - I MISS those early bedtimes :) Once I can get these kiddos to bed at a decent hour, I anticipate more crafty time. Bring it, I'm ready!!