Today's post was inspired by the november writing prompt at write alm, night comes early.
As I turned into my neighborhood yesterday afternoon it occurred to me that I left the house in the darkness of morning and now returning in darkness. A quick stop at the grocery that proved to be not so quick did it. My first thought was “I hate this”, but when I walked in the door and was greeted with a chorus of “mommmmeeeee” that thought quickly faded. Lots of hugs and chatter about the day followed.
It was a cold rainy evening, night fell earlier than usual. Comfort was on the menu – creamy tomato basil soup, meatball subs, and toasty mozzarella bread. Most people around here aren’t too fond of this kind of weather, but I sort of love it…as long as I’m warm and cozy in my house and have something simmering on the stove.
As my family was devouring our meal, I couldn’t help but let my mind wander 10, 15 years in the future. I see myself preparing a meal like this on this same kind of night. Some of my kids will have moved on by then. I imagine they will be returning to my table with others - friends, spouses, or significant others. An interesting thought, for sure.
It may be a little silly thinking of such things, but I do.
It all goes by so fast doesn't it? I'm not rushing anything, that's for certain, but I do welcome each stage as we move through life. Just as these short days remind me to slow down and enjoy the moment, I am aware that they will only be here for so long before the next season arrives.