Life is so very busy right now! I know one day I'll look back and wonder how I ever did it, but right now I'm living for the slow times to catch my breath. These kids [and life] of mine sure keep me on my toes.
During my down time (which isn't nearly enough) I've fallen back into hand sewing. Y'all how I love to sew by hand. When I'm feeling stressed and overwhelmed nothing calms me down like the movement of my needle through layers of fabric. I crave it.
If you follow me on Instagram you've seen this project pop up a few times...remember when I started this? About a month ago while looking for project to take along on a road trip soccer game, I rediscovered it. I threw the project, some fabric scraps, and my sewing pouch into a bag and hit the road. My original idea of turning the dresden plates into personalized mini quilts for the two youngest girls never did materialize, but I still had the urge to do SOMETHING with them. With no plan other than wanting to sew by hand, and a few hours in the car, I jumped in and started sewing.
The Dresden Plates had already been appliqued and quilted, but the rest was a blank canvas. I decided to fill in all the white space with patchwork. Because it was already a "quilt sandwich", the patchwork got appliqued and quilted at the same time. It was so fun!
Once I finished filling it all in, I went back and added more stitching. I finished the first one all too quickly, so I went on to another. I still have more quilting and stitching to do on this one and they both need to be bound, but I'm very happy with how this project is turning out.
(pssst - that stack to the left is my work on a new bag pattern - can.not.wait. to share!!! yeah, i'm a little bit crazy ;-))